Geriatric Society of Nepal (GSN), established in 2014 AD lead by a group of geriatricians, social gerontologists, geriatric nurses, geriatric physiotherapists, and researchers. GSNs’ main aim is to establish a National Center for Geriatric to provide a comprehensive approach to geriatric healthcare and improve the care system for older persons in Nepal.
Moreover, the overview highlights ongoing initiatives by GSN, aimed at addressing challenges faced by older individuals through comprehensive geriatric healthcare services, education, outreach programs, and policy advocacy on healthy aging. It underscores the importance of education and awareness in promoting healthy aging and disease prevention, advocating a proactive approach to supporting older adults amid evolving social and economic dynamics. These efforts seek to ensure the continued well-being and inclusion of Nepal's ageing population.
About Us

"National Center for Geriatric"
Founded in 2014, the Geriatrics Society of Nepal (GSN) is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of older individuals
- 1,000+ healthcare professionals, including geriatricians and nurses, committed to comprehensive elderly care.
- Advocating for a just society, free from biases, to ensure equitable healthcare access and quality for older adults and caregivers.
- Engaging in patient care, research, education, and policy to improve the health and independence of older people.
- Working across sectors to promote a holistic view of aging and support older individuals' quality of life in Nepal.
GSN implements a range of services to ensure the holistic well-being of the elderly population in Nepal
Mobile Clinics
Offering clinical care through mobile free clinics, making geriatric healthcare accessible to elderly residents of all old age homes.
Health Camps
Providing health programs tailored to marginalized elders, addressing their specific healthcare needs through targeted interventions.
Day Care Centers
Collaborating with private entities to operate day care centers, offering support and companionship to elderly individuals and their families.
Senior Empowerment
Initiating empowerment programs to enhance the dignity and quality of life of senior citizens, fostering independence and community engagement.
Capacity Building
Conducting training sessions for primary healthcare workers and professional caregivers, equipping them with skills in geriatric care and support.
Advocacy and Awareness
Advocating for geriatric care as a healthcare priority, conducting research, and organizing events to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding aging and elderly care.
Our Team

Dr. Umesh Bogati
President Senior Consultant, Geriatrician
Dr. Hom Nath Chalise
General Secretary Social Geronotology
Mr. Youraj Roka
Treasurer Test
Dr. Ramesh Kadel
Executive Member Senior Consultant, Geriatrician
Dr. Ananta Aryal
Executive Member Senior Consultant, Geriatrician
Dr. Urja Bhattarai
Executive Member Consultant, Geriatrician
Ms. Ratee Pakwan
Executive Member Specialist Gerontological Nursing
Dr. Sumanta Prasad Banjade
Past President Senior Consultant, Cardiology
Dr. Dev Neupanee
Member Senior Consultant, Cardiology
Dr. Bhaskar Raj Pant
Member Senior Consultant, Orthopedics
Dr. SP Kalaunee
Member Development Worker
Ms. Amritya Shori Suwal
Member Geriatric Nurse
Ms. Binita Sapkota
Member Geriatric Physiotherapist
Dr. Umesh Koirala
Medical Coordinator Test
Mr. Amrit Thapa
Outreach Program Officer TestReports
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